Studiujesz za granicą. Chciałabyś zaprosić kilku znajomych do mieszkania, które wynajmujesz wspólnie ze swoim współlokatorem. Poinformuj go o swoich planach. Poniżej podane są 4 kwestie, które musisz omowić w rozmowe z egzaminującym: * Termin. * Goście. * Sprzątanie. * Przygotowanie poczestunku. ROZMOWĘ ROZPOCZYNA EGZAMINUJĄCY. Czy ktoś napisałby mi dialog egzaminującego ze zdawającym?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Egzaminujący: I heard you would like to invite some friends over to your flat?
Zdawający: Yes, I'm planning on inviting four of my best high school friends to my flat. I already told my flatmate about it and he thought it would be a great idea. He'd like to meet them as well.
Egzaminujący: Interesting. When do you plan on inviting them?
Zdawający: At first I thought of inviting them over for Spring Break, but I realized that they don't have holidays during the same time period that I do. That's why I decided that inviting them over for Easter would be a better idea. I told them to come over from the 9th to the 16th of April.
Egzaminujący: I see. Will you need to clean your flat beforehand?
Zdawający: Of course, me and my flatmate are very messy and there is always lots of rubbish lying around. That's why I thought we should start cleaning a week before they come. We'll have to wash the windows, wash all the floors and do the laundry.
Egzaminujący: Great. Will you cook for your friends when they'll be living in your flat?
Zdawający: My flatmate is in cooking school and he's a very good chef. I hope that he'll prepare the breakfasts and lunches for us. He'll probably make some eggs with bacon, and maybe he'll bake some home-made doughnuts. As for dinners, I reckon we'll all eat out in a restaurant a few times.
Egzaminujący: Fascinating. Thank you for your time.
Zdawający: Thank you.