Studiujesz w Angli byłeś świadkiem włamania do domu studenckiego dyrektor instytutu w którym studiujesz prosi o przesłanie pisemnej relacji ze zdarzeń. Napisz list (120-150słów) w którym a) określisz co robiłeś w domu studenckim i o której godz natknąłeś się na włamywacza b)opisz jak zorientowałeś się że w budynku jest włamywacz i co wtedy robił c)poinformujesz jak wszcząłeś alarm i co się następnie zdarzyło d) opiszesz wygląd włamywacza i jego ubranie
z góry dzięki
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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To the Residence Hall Director:
On Saturday, 6 October, 2012 at 9:30 pm, I was studying in the comnon area. Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. I was sitting next to the kitchen and I knew that there was nobody in the kitchen. So I stood up quietly and looked in the door. I saw a man climbing through the kitchen window. He had knocked down some of the plants that were in the window and that was the noise that I heard. I quickly ran back to the common room and pulled the alarm. Then I went back to the kitchen and saw the burglar trying to leave through the window. He was wearing a ski mask, so I couldn't see his face. But he was a white, tall and thin man. On his right hand arm, he had a tattoo. It looked like a heart with an arrow.
That is all I saw.