Struktur kabinet kerja jokowi dalam bahasa inggris
Goverment cabined led by president jokowidodo and vice president muhammad yussuf kala the composition of this cabinet comes for persionals the proposed political party bearner jokowi jk.
1. The Secretary of State : Pratikno 2. The Minister of the State Development Planning / Head of Bappenas : Andrinof Chaniago 3. Coordinating Minister for maritime : Indroyono Soesilo 4. The Minister of Transport : Ignatius Jonan 5. The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries : Susi Pudjiastuti
1. The Secretary of State : Pratikno 2. The Minister of the State Development Planning / Head of Bappenas : Andrinof Chaniago 3. Coordinating Minister for maritime : Indroyono Soesilo 4. The Minister of Transport : Ignatius Jonan 5. The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries : Susi Pudjiastuti