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blondi017a comedyby WilliamShakespeare, written between1594and1597year.Title characteris the merchantAntonio, not as it might seem, the Jewish lenderShylock.The playtakes place insixteenth-century Venice. Comedywas publishedin the FirstFolioin 1623. The sixteenth-century Englandwere popularanti-Semitic slogans. Many Jewswere drivenback to the timeof Oliver Cromwell.Manyscholars believethat Shakespearein the playperpetuatesnegative stereotypesabout Jews, showingthe main characteras agreedyexploiter,a Christianagain asan honest andgood man. Perhapsin this wayhe wantedto please thecrowd, whichwasprobablythe mostsimilarsentence. Interestingly, during the westernizationof Japan inthe nineteenth century, translated theworks ofShakespeare,caused an increase inanti-JewishsentimentinJapanese society, which was notyetthe Jews. Shylock, a Jewishmerchant,engaged ingivinghigh-interestloans, Antonio, a Christian and hisrival, andlendsmoneywithout interest.Best friendof Antonio,Bassanio, falls in love withPortia. But tobe ableto get it, it needs to borrowa lot of money. With the help ofAntoniocomes to himwhois truenot currently have thecash- the wholeof its capitalinvested- butborrows3000ducatsfromShylock.Thisagrees to grantinterest-freeloan, but imposed a condition: if Antoniodoes notgivethe entireamounton time,Shylockwill be entitled toa pound ofhis flesh. myśle że pomogłam :)
The sixteenth-century England were popular anti-Semitic slogans. Many Jews were driven back to the time of Oliver Cromwell. Many scholars believe that Shakespeare in the play perpetuates negative stereotypes about Jews, showingthe main character as a greedy exploiter, a Christian again as an honest and good man. Perhaps in this way he wanted to please the crowd, which was probably the most similar sentence. Interestingly, during the westernization of Japan in the nineteenth century, translated the works of Shakespeare, caused an increase inanti-Jewish sentiment in Japanese society, which was not yet the Jews.
Shylock, a Jewish merchant, engaged in giving high-interest loans, Antonio, a Christian and his rival, and lends money without interest. Best friend of Antonio,Bassanio, falls in love with Portia. But to be able to get it, it needs to borrow a lot of money. With the help of Antonio comes to him who is true not currently have thecash - the whole of its capital invested - but borrows 3000 ducats from Shylock.This agrees to grant interest-free loan, but imposed a condition: if Antonio does notgive the entire amount on time, Shylock will be entitled to a pound of his flesh. myśle że pomogłam :)