Streszczenie Forrest Gump. Anglielski. Penguin reader. Po angolsku oczywiście (^^,)
Forest Gump Everyone probably saw a moving film about the colorful life of Forest Gump, with Tom Hanks in the lead role. Meanwhile, I would like to emphasize more the existence of the book, on the basis of which, after all powastał the award-winning film. Forest grows up in a family without a father, mother nurtures him and he suffers from a rare disease, not allowing him to fully exercise their legs. His only friend is Jenny, a girl who lives near him. Both are like papuszki nierozłączki. But adult life often separates the common existence. Forest travels to the world that the war in Vietnam to China, to New York or on the fishing boat catching shrimp. His life is not boring in any case, in contrast to the actions of Jenny, who intersperses Hipiski in the life, filled with alcohol and drug excesses in bad company. But the way Jenny and Forest after some time they meet again, even so intertwined that they become parents, however małżeństem and Jenny dies after severe illness, and Forest is left alone with his son. Strongly recommend the book to trace the amazing adventures Forest.
A to tłumaczenie (miałam podobne zadanie w zeszłym roku:)
Forest Gump Każdy zapewne widział poruszający film o barwnym życiu Foresta Gumpa, z Tomem Hanksem w roli głównej. Ja tymczasem chciałabym zaakcentować bardziej istnienie książki, na której podstawie przecież powastał ten wielokrotnie nagrodzony film. Forest dorasta w rodzinie bez ojca, wychowuje go matka a on sam cierpi na rzadką chorobę nie pozwalającą mu w pełni korzystać ze swoich nóg. Jego jedyną przyjaciółką jest Jenny, dziewczynka która mieszka nieopodal jego. Obydwoje są jak papuszki nierozłączki. Jednak dorosłe życie rozdziela nieraz wspólne bytowanie. Forest wyrusza w świat to na wojnę w Wietnamie, to do Chin, do Nowego Jorku lub na kuter rybacki łowiąc krewetki. Jego życie nie jest w żadnym wypadku nudne, w przeciwieństwie do poczynań Jenny, która wplata się w życie Hipiski, przepełnione ekscesami alkoholowymi i narkotykowymi w złym towarzystwie. Jednak drogi Jenny i Foresta po jakimś czasie znów się spotykają,nawet tak bardzo splatają, że stają się małżeństem i rodzicami jednak Jenny umiera po ciężkiej chorobie i Forest zostaje sam ze swoim synem. Polecam gorąco książkę,żeby prześledzić niesamowite przygody Foresta.
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Forrest Gump I would like to relize wonderfull,warm and funny story about Forrest Gump. All people said that he was born an idiot, but he was cleverer that they think.Forrest came from Alabama in the USA.He lived with his mother.His father died after he was born,a bog box of bananas fell down and killed his daddy. All his life was very complicated,becous he has IQ 75. He changes schools, becouse nobody want to taught him and children was laughing at him. No one liked him, but when he turned to be a good football player, people started to treat him normally.He got to the university but he wasn’t a good student and after one year they sent him back to home. When he came back, his mother informed him that he was going to war in Vietnam. During this war Forrests friend Bubba has died. Forrest was very good solidier and he got the medal from President. He has been in White House, meet President, and see a big demonstration against the war. He meet there again his best friend from childhood. Later he played in Jennys band on harmonicaWhen he went to Washington, he throw his medal away and they put him to prison.He dodn’t stay here long , becouse people relized that he was an idiot so they decided to put him in hospital for idiots.There was a doctor and decided to take him to NASA. They send him on a journey into space with the monkey. Their ship came down in the jungle, and after 4 years NASA people found him. Monkey was his best friend. In the jungle he met mam who taught him how to play chess. He met Jenny in Indianapolis. In Nashville he met old man and play with him chess. That men saw that he was good so he must go to a big chess tournament. They went together to Los Angeles and met there men who make films. Forrese become to be an actor. At film plan he met his friend from jungle-monkey Sue. On the next day Forrest won chess tournament and has more money to make his shrimp businessAfter year he has got more money but he want to found Jenny. She has got husband and Forrest decided to travel. He went to Savannah. In front of the bus station he started to play harminica. Then he met Jenny with little boy. It was his son. Forrest decided that his son must been with his mother becouse his father is an idiot. __________________ A tu masz na angola :
Forrest Gump I would like to relize wonderfull, warm and funny story about Forrest Gump. All people said That he was born an idiot, but he was cleverer think.Forrest That They came from Alabama in the USA.He Lived with mother.His His father died after he was born, a god box of bananas fell down and killed His daddy. All His life was very complicated, he has IQ becous 75th He changes schools, becouse nobody want it Taught him children and was laughing at him. No one liked him, but When He Turned to be a good football player, people started to treat him normally.He got to the university but he was not good student and one year after They sent him back to home. When he came back, His mother Informed him That he was going to war in Vietnam. During this war Forrests friend Bubba has died. Forrest was very good solidier and he got the medal from President. He has been in the White House, Meet President, and see a big demonstration against the war. He meet there again His best friend from childhood. Later he played in a band Jennys harmonicaWhen he went to Washington, he throw away His medal and put him They are prison.He dodn't stay here long, becouse people relized That he was an idiot so They decided it would put him in hospital for idiots.There was a doctor and decided it would take him to NASA. They send him on a journey into space with the monkey. Their ship came down in the jungle, and after four years of NASA people found him. Monkey you His best friend. In the jungle he met who I Taught him how to play chess. He met Jenny in Indianapolis. In Nashville, he met old man and play chess with him. That men saw That he was good so he must go to a big chess tournament. They went together to Los Angeles and met men there who make films. Forres Become a be an actor. Video at the plan he met His friend from jungle-monkey Sue. On the next day Forrest won chess tournament and has more money to make His shrimp businessAfter year he has got more money but he found it want Jenny. She has got a husband and Forrest decided it would travel. He went to Savannah. In front of the bus station he started to play harminica. Then he met Jenny with little boy. It was His son. Forrest Decided That His son must been with His mother becouse His father is an idiot.
A to tłumaczenie (miałam podobne zadanie w zeszłym roku:)
Forest Gump Każdy zapewne widział poruszający film o barwnym życiu Foresta Gumpa, z Tomem Hanksem w roli głównej. Ja tymczasem chciałabym zaakcentować bardziej istnienie książki, na której podstawie przecież powastał ten wielokrotnie nagrodzony film. Forest dorasta w rodzinie bez ojca, wychowuje go matka a on sam cierpi na rzadką chorobę nie pozwalającą mu w pełni korzystać ze swoich nóg. Jego jedyną przyjaciółką jest Jenny, dziewczynka która mieszka nieopodal jego. Obydwoje są jak papuszki nierozłączki. Jednak dorosłe życie rozdziela nieraz wspólne bytowanie. Forest wyrusza w świat to na wojnę w Wietnamie, to do Chin, do Nowego Jorku lub na kuter rybacki łowiąc krewetki. Jego życie nie jest w żadnym wypadku nudne, w przeciwieństwie do poczynań Jenny, która wplata się w życie Hipiski, przepełnione ekscesami alkoholowymi i narkotykowymi w złym towarzystwie. Jednak drogi Jenny i Foresta po jakimś czasie znów się spotykają,nawet tak bardzo splatają, że stają się małżeństem i rodzicami jednak Jenny umiera po ciężkiej chorobie i Forest zostaje sam ze swoim synem. Polecam gorąco książkę,żeby prześledzić niesamowite przygody Foresta.
I would like to relize wonderfull,warm and funny story about Forrest Gump. All people said that he was born an idiot, but he was cleverer that they think.Forrest came from Alabama in the USA.He lived with his mother.His father died after he was born,a bog box of bananas fell down and killed his daddy.
All his life was very complicated,becous he has IQ 75. He changes schools, becouse nobody want to taught him and children was laughing at him. No one liked him, but when he turned to be a good football player, people started to treat him normally.He got to the university but he wasn’t a good student and after one year they sent him back to home. When he came back, his mother informed him that he was going to war in Vietnam. During this war Forrests friend Bubba has died. Forrest was very good solidier and he got the medal from President. He has been in White House, meet President, and see a big demonstration against the war. He meet there again his best friend from childhood. Later he played in Jennys band on harmonicaWhen he went to Washington, he throw his medal away and they put him to prison.He dodn’t stay here long , becouse people relized that he was an idiot so they decided to put him in hospital for idiots.There was a doctor and decided to take him to NASA. They send him on a journey into space with the monkey. Their ship came down in the jungle, and after 4 years NASA people found him. Monkey was his best friend. In the jungle he met mam who taught him how to play chess. He met Jenny in Indianapolis. In Nashville he met old man and play with him chess. That men saw that he was good so he must go to a big chess tournament. They went together to Los Angeles and met there men who make films. Forrese become to be an actor. At film plan he met his friend from jungle-monkey Sue. On the next day Forrest won chess tournament and has more money to make his shrimp businessAfter year he has got more money but he want to found Jenny. She has got husband and Forrest decided to travel. He went to Savannah. In front of the bus station he started to play harminica. Then he met Jenny with little boy. It was his son. Forrest decided that his son must been with his mother becouse his father is an idiot.
A tu masz na angola :
Forrest Gump
I would like to relize wonderfull, warm and funny story about Forrest Gump. All people said That he was born an idiot, but he was cleverer think.Forrest That They came from Alabama in the USA.He Lived with mother.His His father died after he was born, a god box of bananas fell down and killed His daddy.
All His life was very complicated, he has IQ becous 75th He changes schools, becouse nobody want it Taught him children and was laughing at him. No one liked him, but When He Turned to be a good football player, people started to treat him normally.He got to the university but he was not good student and one year after They sent him back to home. When he came back, His mother Informed him That he was going to war in Vietnam. During this war Forrests friend Bubba has died. Forrest was very good solidier and he got the medal from President. He has been in the White House, Meet President, and see a big demonstration against the war. He meet there again His best friend from childhood. Later he played in a band Jennys harmonicaWhen he went to Washington, he throw away His medal and put him They are prison.He dodn't stay here long, becouse people relized That he was an idiot so They decided it would put him in hospital for idiots.There was a doctor and decided it would take him to NASA. They send him on a journey into space with the monkey. Their ship came down in the jungle, and after four years of NASA people found him. Monkey you His best friend. In the jungle he met who I Taught him how to play chess. He met Jenny in Indianapolis. In Nashville, he met old man and play chess with him. That men saw That he was good so he must go to a big chess tournament. They went together to Los Angeles and met men there who make films. Forres Become a be an actor. Video at the plan he met His friend from jungle-monkey Sue. On the next day Forrest won chess tournament and has more money to make His shrimp businessAfter year he has got more money but he found it want Jenny. She has got a husband and Forrest decided it would travel. He went to Savannah. In front of the bus station he started to play harminica. Then he met Jenny with little boy. It was His son. Forrest Decided That His son must been with His mother becouse His father is an idiot.