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Bethany has been a surfer since the age of five. At the age of 13 she ranked 8th in the world for under - eighteens and her future looked bright. However, on 31st October 2003 terror struck. It was a beautiful day and like most other days 13-year-old Bethany went surfing with her friends at Tunnels Beach in Hawaii. She was waiting to catch a wave when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her arm and saw the sea turn red. She quickly realised that she was the victim of a shark attack! Her friends carried her back to the beach and rushed her to hospital.
Bethany lost 60% of her blood but she managed to escape death. Bethany is lucky to be alive. But perhaps the most amazing think of all is that just three weeks after losing her arm she was surfingagain! It wasn't easy for her, thought. She had to find a way to pull herself up onto the board with only one arm. Her father, Tom, also a long - time surfer, helped her. He fitted most of her boards witch a special handle which she uses to pull herself up.
Bethany has promised herself not to let anything stop her from doing what she loves most. Soon after the shark attack, she entered a local surfing competition and surprised everyone by taking fifth place. A few months later, she won the NSSA (National Scholastic Surfing Association) Nationals in 2005.
Bethany hasn't returned to the beach where her accident happened. However, the young American Surfer is a very strong person. She says, ,,I think anyone can overcome obstacles if they really try".
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Beth has been a surfer since the age of five. When she's 13 yeats old, she ranked 8th in the world competition, and her future looked good. However on 31st Octb. 2003 in Hawaii beach she's so scared! It was a good day, and she was relax in the beach with her friend. When she' s surfing, turn dangerous shark. Beth just wanna runway, but shurk bite her arm! Her friends carried her back, and rushed her to hospital.
Bethany lose a much of her blood, but she was so happy, because she escape from death! She must be in hospital in three weks, after she surf again. It wasn't easy.
Her father Tom like surfing too, so he helped Beth. He fitted in her board special device.
Beth promised, to be so cereful!
Some months later she won the NSSA National in 2005.
Beth don't start in the competition, because she has one accident.
However she's very strong person, because she says ,,I think anyone can overcome obstacles if they real try'' .
Tłumaczenie: Beth była surferką odkąd miała 5 lat. Kiedy miała 13 lat zajęła 8 miejsce w światowym konkursie, a jej przyszłość jest wielka. Jednakże 31 października 2003 roku, na Hawajskiej plaży tak sie wystraszyła! To miał być dobry dzień, a ona ze swoimi przyjaciółmi miała reklaksować się na plaży. Kiedy poszła serfować, pojawił się niebezpieczny rekin!Bethany chciała uciekać, ale rekin ugryzł jej ramię! Jej przyjaciele zanieśli ją z powrotem i zawieźli ją do szpitala. Beth straciła dużo swojej krwi, ale była szczęśliwa, że uciekła przed śmiercią!
Musiała być 3 tygodnie w szpitalu, zanim zacznie znów serfować. To nie było łatwe.
Jej tata Tom też lubił serfować, więc pomagał Bethany. Zamontował więc na jej desce do surfingu specjalnem urządzenie.
Bethany przyżekła, że będzie ostrożna!
Parę miesięcy później pojawiło się Krajowe NSSA w 2005 r.
Beth nie mogła wystartować, ponieważ miała już jeden wypadek!
Jednakże jest ona bardzo silnym człowiekiem, ponieważ mówi ,,Myślę, że każdy może zostać mistrzem, jeśli się postara."
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam i liczę na naj, longama używałam tlyko do sprawdzenia trudnych słówek, ale nie pisałam na słowniku całego wypracowania :)