May 2022 1 99 Report
Story 1
When I was about eleven, H and I ran into my bedroom and I slightly misjudged the doorway and went either
side of the doorframe. ... of those toes and I got taken to accident and emergency and I sat there for maybe
three hours and then the doctor said there's nothing we can do
Story 2
some time ago in London. I had to go to the tube station and . I was really in a rush and in the tube. I
hurt my elbow and I hurt my arm but I was just really embarrassed because everyone saw that.
Story 3
I remember It was a summer's day in my nan's back garden and My nan had a thorn bush and my mum
and dad told me specifically not to go near the thorn bush. There was a set of steps next to it. I decided it would be a
good idea to not just go near the thorn bush but down the steps, straight into the thorn bush. I ended up
and had to go to hospital.​
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