stopien wyzszy more....... stopien najwyzszy the most .......... zad1.expensive- sunny- wet- delicious- scared- dirty- tall- cold- wonderfull- strong- large- difficult-
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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☛ sunny - sunnier - the sunniest
☛ wet - wetter - the wettest
☛ delicious - more delicious - the most delicious
☛ scared - more scared - the most scared
☛ dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest
☛ tall - taller - the tallest
☛ cold - colder - the coldest
☛ wonderful - more wonderful - the most wonderful
☛ strong - stronger - the strongest
☛ large - larger - the largest
☛ difficult - more difficult - the most difficult