Bahan : Siapkan mesin pompa yang bertekanan tinggi berikut dengan mesin penggerak, drum penampungan air/ pompa air, selang bertekanan panjang sekitar 100 meter, tongkat penyemprot/stik semprot, masker penahan debu dan asap serta sepatu boot.
Langkah : Langkah pertama adalah menentukan titik sasaran. Jika sedang terjadi kebakaran dengan api yang menyala-nyala atau telah lama terjadi kebakaran dengan adanya kawah-kawah api yang dapat menenggelamkan kaki kita bila terinjak.
Apabila sedang terjadi kebakaran, aturlah stik semprot dengan cara mengabut. Kabut yang dibuat akan segera memadamkan api secara luas dan mengurangi panas yang menyengat karena butir-butir uap air yang ditembakkan dapat menyerap panas.
Bila memadamkan api di kedalaman lahan gambut, aturlah stik dengan bentuk menembak seperti laju peluru. Air yang ditembakkan akan masuk ke dalam kawah hingga ke lapisan bawah sehingga api akan padam segera.
Penggunaan teknologi ini cukup efektif dan ekonomis dan efisien. Namun tetap saja, peran masyarakat dan pemerintah dalam menjaga hutan menjadi hal utama sebagai upaya pencegahan terjadinya kebakaran terutama di lahan gambut
Hasil : pembakaran lahan gambut berhasil dihentikan.
Chomsky050698Objectives: to stop the burning of peat
Materials: Prepare engine high-pressure pump that follows the driving engine, drum reservoir / pump water, pressurized hose length of approximately 100 meters, sprayers stick / stick spray, dust and smoke barrier mask and boots.
Step: The first step is to determine the target point. If going on fire with flames blazing fire or have long occurred in the presence of craters fire that can sink our feet when stepped on.
When going on fire, set by way mengabut stick spray. Fog created will soon extinguish the fire widely and reduce the intense heat because grains fired water vapor can absorb heat.
When putting out a fire at a depth of peat, set sticks to form as the rate of firing bullets. Fired water will go into the crater to the bottom layer so that the fire will be extinguished immediately.
The use of this technology is quite effective and economical and efficient. Still, the role of communities and governments in maintaining the forest becomes the main thing as an effort to prevent the occurrence of fires, especially in peat
Materials: Prepare engine high-pressure pump that follows the driving engine, drum reservoir / pump water, pressurized hose length of approximately 100 meters, sprayers stick / stick spray, dust and smoke barrier mask and boots.
Step: The first step is to determine the target point. If going on fire with flames blazing fire or have long occurred in the presence of craters fire that can sink our feet when stepped on.
When going on fire, set by way mengabut stick spray. Fog created will soon extinguish the fire widely and reduce the intense heat because grains fired water vapor can absorb heat.
When putting out a fire at a depth of peat, set sticks to form as the rate of firing bullets. Fired water will go into the crater to the bottom layer so that the fire will be extinguished immediately.
The use of this technology is quite effective and economical and efficient. Still, the role of communities and governments in maintaining the forest becomes the main thing as an effort to prevent the occurrence of fires, especially in peat
Results: burning peat was stopped