Circle the correct words. In this event from Finland, the men need to carry/follow their wives for 253.5m. The men mustn't fall/drop thei wives. And of course the wives mustn't fall/lead.
This isn't a normal football match because any number of people can play, and there are no rules. The players follow/jump a ball as it pulls/crosses the town. Players throw or carry/stand the ball, but they hardly wver kick it. To jest Interface 2, zeszyt ćwiczeń strona 22, zad.3 Rewrite the sentences so they are true for you. 1 I cross a very busy street on my way to school. 2 I drop something every day. 3 i fell and broke my leg ehen I was young. 4 i can lift more than 100 kilograms. To jest Interface 2, zeszyt ćwiczeń strona 22, zad.4 Daję 110 punktów.