Sprawdzi mi ktoś czy poprawnie napisałam opis pokoju na angielski?
My bedroom is small. Next to door there’s a bed. Before bed there’s a desk. There’s a computer on the desk and lamp. Beetwen the desk and TV there’s a red armchair. Next to tv there is a wardrobe. On the floor lies carpet. On the window stands flower. On the wall there is a shelf. On shelf there’re books and flower. I like my room.
Zamiast Beore bed there's a desk, In front of bed there's a desk. (Before używamy do czasów c;) Zamiast There's a computer on the desk and lamp, There's a computer and lamp on the desk. (Wyszło ci, że computer stoi na biurku i lampce c;) Zamiast On the window stands flower, Flower stands on the window. (Tak brzmi lepiej c;)
Zamiast There's a computer on the desk and lamp, There's a computer and lamp on the desk. (Wyszło ci, że computer stoi na biurku i lampce c;)
Zamiast On the window stands flower, Flower stands on the window. (Tak brzmi lepiej c;)