SPRAWDZENIE : Pewnego wieczoru poszliśmy z przyjaciółmi na spacer do lasu. W oddali zobaczyliśmy stary, opuszczony domek. Weszliśmy do niego. W środku było bardzo ciemno. Ściany chatki zawalały się. Nagle coś nam przeleciało przed oczami. Ogarnął nas strach. Po chwili okazało się, że to duch człowieka, który tam mieszkał. Zjawa miała duże czerwone źrenice i czerwone ciało. Wydawała dziwne dźwięki. Wystraszeni wybiegliśmy z krzykiem z chatki. Nigdy więcej nie chodziliśmy w okolicach tego miejsca.
One evening we went with friends for a walk in the woods. In the distance we saw an old, abandoned house. We went to him. Inside was very dark. The walls of the huts crashing. Suddenly something flew before our eyes. Fear gripped us. After a while it appeared that the spirit of a man who lived there. Spook had large red eyes and red body. Seemed strange sounds. Frightened ran screaming from the chalet. Never went near this place. AZ 20 PUNKTÓW DO ZDOBYCIA!
To jest już poprawiony przeze mnie: One evening we went with friends for a walk TO the wood. FAR AWAY we saw an old, abandoned house. We went to IT. Inside was very dark. The walls of the COTTAGE WERE CRASHING. Suddenly something flew before our eyes. THE Fear gripped us. After a while, WE KNEW that'S the spirit of a man who lived there. THE GHOST had large red eyes and red body. IT Seemed strange sounds. IN SCARED WE ran WITH SCREAM from the COTTAGE. WE Never EVER went near this place.
One evening we went with friends for a walk TO the wood.
FAR AWAY we saw an old, abandoned house.
We went to IT.
Inside was very dark.
Suddenly something flew before our eyes.
THE Fear gripped us.
After a while, WE KNEW that'S the spirit of a man who lived there.
THE GHOST had large red eyes and red body.
IT Seemed strange sounds.
WE Never EVER went near this place.
te pogrubione to są poprawione :)