September 2018 1 28 Report

Sprawdzcie, prosze błędy, czy to jest dobrze.


What does the word 'authority' mean? These days young people looking for authority among the actors, singers, athletes or other characters known to us from TV. Under this term I understand a person, which affects of behavior or views, raise their belief and may make a pattern of conduct. Undeniably, such a person is Pope John Paul II.

He was extraordinarily intelligent and experienced in life person. Despite different adversities finished he a good study, became a priest, next the Pope, wrote books, poems fluently used a many of languages. Always friendly, cheerful, full of warmth and understanding. He preached widely understood tolerance- always showed a lot of respect to the Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, that was not typical for head of the Catholic Church. His phenomenon was the easy contact with people. It exactly He devoted us- youth so much attention. Always stressed he – “Youth are the future and hope of the Church”. He loved young people reciprocated, what is confirmed of millions young people gathering every year in the World Youth Day organized by John Paul II. He proved that the pope isn’t only unavailable person, but that is their equal. He taught about God as infinite love. Said that we need to feel, see and understand by heart.

Although age and Parkinson's disease he wasn’t an old man waiting for death. He further carried hope people, those need this and still served the people. He was filled with inner strength which so charmed us. It is undoubtedly a figure worthy of imitation.

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Należy sprawdzić mi to, poprawić,może coś dodać. Jestem słaba z angielskiego, bardzo słaba. Wiec błagam, pomóżcie(!!!) , daje naj. należałoby dodac jeszcze jakieś zakończenie opowiadania, ale nie mam zielonego pojecia, jak to skończyć, prosze pomóżcie, błagam. potrzebuję to jak najszybciej,At the bottom of the ocean is found the wreck of an unknown object, which structure suggests that it is a spacecraft. His age and size clearly indicate that this is not the product of man. Shall be established a special team of researchers who have examined the object. Fragments of the wreckage transported to London in the UK, where they will be thoroughly investigated in a secret government lab. During the test, the DNA molecules of plastic, from which the machine was built, there have been disturbing the body, which decided to investigate again. It turned out that these can mikroanimals the speed of light, changing its shape, size, structure, are also extremely aggressive. It was decided protect humanity from him, until they discover how to fight it. Years go by, the lack of progress in research. War breaks out between England and France. During the attack from the air one of the bombs hit this laboratory. Virus escapes from a British laboratory. It turns out that an infected person within 20 seconds of losing power over mind and body and become aggressive being bloodthirsty. Within 14 days of the whole country is driven by the plague, the streets are dead. The whole area of ​​England is covered with a huge glass dome. France is accused of intentionally releasing the virus.
Należy sprawdzić mi to, poprawić,może coś dodać. Jestem słaba z angielskiego, bardzo słaba. Wiec błagam, pomóżcie(!!!) , daje naj. należałoby dodac jeszcze jakieś zakończenie opowiadania, ale nie mam zielonego pojecia, jak to skończyć, prosze pomóżcie, błagam. potrzebuję to jak najszybciej,At the bottom of the ocean is found the wreck of an unknown object, which structure suggests that it is a spacecraft. His age and size clearly indicate that this is not the product of man. Shall be established a special team of researchers who have examined the object. Fragments of the wreckage transported to London in the UK, where they will be thoroughly investigated in a secret government lab. During the test, the DNA molecules of plastic, from which the machine was built, there have been disturbing the body, which decided to investigate again. It turned out that these can mikroanimals the speed of light, changing its shape, size, structure, are also extremely aggressive. It was decided protect humanity from him, until they discover how to fight it. Years go by, the lack of progress in research. War breaks out between England and France. During the attack from the air one of the bombs hit this laboratory. Virus escapes from a British laboratory. It turns out that an infected person within 20 seconds of losing power over mind and body and become aggressive being bloodthirsty. Within 14 days of the whole country is driven by the plague, the streets are dead. The whole area of ​​England is covered with a huge glass dome. France is accused of intentionally releasing the virus.

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