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Dear Sir or Madam
I'm writing to you with complain about your restaurant.I'm really sad.
Last Sunday about 2 p.m. I was in your restaurant.I come to your local to eat lunch.Unfortunatelly I couldn't eat anything,becouse there weren't places for not smoking people.When I gone to your service and said what's going on,they said: "You could go to other local" It was awful... But I decide to eat something,becouse I was very hungry and I haven't got time to change local.
They serve me a meat with potatoes and juice.Everything could be fine but... The meat wasn't enought fresh.It was terrible,it smells like old socks.I take my stuffs and go away from your restaurant.
I am really defeated.I lose 40 punds for dinner,which I throw away.I hope you will give back my money.I am waiting for your answer
O co chdzi z tymi kropkami:
"You could go to other local" It was awful... But I decide to eat something,becouse I was very hungry and I haven't got time to change local.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir or Madame,
I'm writing to you to complain about your restaurant.I'm really sad (może lepiej disappointed).
Last Sunday about 2 p.m. I was in your restaurant.I came to your local to eat lunch.Unfortunatelly I couldn't eat anything because there weren't places for non- smoking people.When I went to your service and said what was going on,they said: "You could have gone to other local" It was awful... But I decide to eat something because I was very hungry and I didn't have time to change local.
They served me some meat with potatoes and juice.Everything could be fine but... The meat wasn't fresh enough.It was terrible,it smelled like old socks.I took my stuffs and went away from your restaurant.
I am really defeated (znowu disappointed albo outraged).I lost 40 punds for the dinner,which were thrown away.I hope you will give my money back.I am waiting for your answer
Zmieniłabym zakończenie na: I hope that I will be given a total refund for the dinner. I am looking forward to receiving a prompt reply.
Nie mam pojęcie, o co chodzi z tymi kropkami. Może ktoś z szybkości napisał ;)
Dear Sir or Madam
I'm writing for you with complain about your restaurant.I'm really sad.
Last Sunday about 2 p.m. I was in your restaurant.I come to your local to eat lunch.Unfortunatelly I couldn't eat anything,because there weren't any place for non- smoking people.When I went to your service and said what's going on,they said: "You could go to another local" It was awful... But I decided to eat something,because I was very hungry and I haven't got time to change local.
They gave me a meat with potatoes and juice on a plate.Everything could be fine but... The meat wasn't enought fresh.It was terrible,it smelled like old socks.I took my stuff and went away from your restaurant.
I am really defeated.I lost 40 punds for dinner,which I throw away.I hope you will give me back my money.I am waiting for your answer.
yours faithfully
te trzy kropki to takie .. wiesz .. że aż tej osobie brakuje słów bo jedzenie było tak okropne . ale kropki nie są znaczące w tym liście :)