To co wymyśliłam po polsku proszę o przetłumaczenie na ang. Miało dot. tendencji co do zatrudnienia w Polsce (3)
1) Z powodu kryzysu na świecie w Polsce coraz więcej osób jest bezrobotnych. Firmy zwalniają swych pracowników bo nie są w stanie wypłacać im pensji. Ludzie wyjeżdżają za granicę w poszukiwaniu pracy, a Ci którzy zostali w kraju często pracują na niskich stanowiskach przy wysokich kwalifikacjach.
2) Coraz częściej w Polsce można zaobserwować równouprawnienie na rynku pracy. Kobiety są często przyjmowane do prac, które dawniej były zarezerwowane wyłącznie dla mężczyzn (chociażby: policjant, strażak, dyrektor). Można częściej niż dawniej poznać/ spotkać mężczyznę, który opiekuje się dziećmi i zajmuje domem.
3) Według badań co drugi pracodawca w Polsce deklaruje, że trudności z zapełnieniem wakatów są spowodowane trudnościami z pozyskaniem kandydatów o odpowiednich kwalifikacjach. Najbardziej poszukiwanymi pracownikami są wykwalifikowani pracownicy fizyczni oraz technicy. Brakuje także inżynierów i pracowników działu obsługi klienta.
1) With reason of crisis on world in Poland the more and more persons are the unemployeds. Firms slow down their workers because they are not able to pay them salary. Men leave for border in search work, and You which they became in country often they work on low positions near high qualifications.
2)It more More and more often in Poland was can observe on market of work the equality of rights. Women are often accepted to works which long ago be reserved exclusively for men (though he would to: policeman, fireman, manager). It was can more often than long ago get to know / meet man which looks after children and it occupies with house.
3) According to investigations what second employer declares in Poland, that from they fillings vacant posts difficulties be caused from gaining over candidates about suitable qualifications difficulties. The most in demand workers physical workers be qualified as well as technicians. It lacks the engineers also and the workers of section of service customer.
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1)Due to the crisis in the world in Poland, more and more people are unemployed. Companies release their workers because they are unable to pay their salaries. People travel abroad for work, and you have been in the country often work in low positions with high qualifications.
2) Increasingly, in Poland can be observed equality in the labor market. Women are often adopted for the work that formerly were reserved exclusively for men (even: policeman, fireman, Director). You can learn more than ever / meet a man who cares for the children and takes home.
3) According to research every other employer in Poland declares that the vacancies are filled difficulties are caused by difficulties in finding suitably qualified candidates. The most sought after employees are skilled manual workers and technicians. Lacks the engineers and customer service.
2)It more More and more often in Poland was can observe on market of work the equality of rights. Women are often accepted to works which long ago be reserved exclusively for men (though he would to: policeman, fireman, manager). It was can more often than long ago get to know / meet man which looks after children and it occupies with house.
3) According to investigations what second employer declares in Poland, that from they fillings vacant posts difficulties be caused from gaining over candidates about suitable qualifications difficulties. The most in demand workers physical workers be qualified as well as technicians. It lacks the engineers also and the workers of section of service customer.
2) Increasingly, in Poland can be observed equality in the labor market. Women are often adopted for the work that formerly were reserved exclusively for men (even: policeman, fireman, Director). You can learn more than ever / meet a man who cares for the children and takes home.
3) According to research every other employer in Poland declares that the vacancies are filled difficulties are caused by difficulties in finding suitably qualified candidates. The most sought after employees are skilled manual workers and technicians. Lacks the engineers and customer service.