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Last............. I went to ............... witch my.............. . We travelled by............ .
One the first day, we walked around the town. .................. we went to a market to buy some............... .
Later we lost my ............ . My mother was ................ and my father asked a .............. for help.It was a terrible moment. ................., the policeman................... my brother so everybody was................ .
WYRAZY: Cheese, weekend, then, France, in the end, ferry, brother , happy, police officer, crying, found, family.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1) weekend 2)France 3)family 4)ferry 5)then 6)cheese 7)brohter 8)crying 9)police officer 10) in the end 11)found 12)happy