Speach, proszę po polsku i angielsku. Speach o spędzeniu wyjątkowego weekendu. opowiedziec o przynajmniej jednej rozrywce na swiezym powietrzu, co najmniej jednej rozrywce w domu i jednym nieoczekiwanym zdarzeniu. daję dużo punktów i proszę o coś na poziomie klasy maturalnej
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I would like to tell you about the last weekend, which was so great that I still disbelieve it happened. On the Saturday I was hanging out with my friends, we went to the local park, which we all really like and we noticed that there's something bigger going on. When we got closer, we get to know that there's a rock concert. We are big fans of rock music, so we were really amazed. There were three bands playing some really great music, it was the best that I have heard in the last few months, or maybe even more. After that I came home and draw everything with my pencils, as I wanted to keep that event in my mind for a long, long time. After I showed the pictures I have drawn to my friends, they were really excited and said that they are pretty good.
This was one of the best moments in my whole life, I wish it could happen more often.