Przeczytaj zdanie egzaminacyjne. Do każdego podpunktu napisz po jednym pasującym zdaniu. Następnie wymień się zdaniami z partnerem i rozwiń je. Przeczytaj zdanie egzaminacyjne. Do każdego podpunktu napisz po jednym pasującym zdaniu. Następnie wymień się zdaniami z partnerem i rozwiń je.
W tym semestrze jesteś na wymianie uczniowskiej w Wielkiej Brytanii. Napisz e-maila do kolegi ze Stanów Zjednoczonych.
- Wyjaśnij, gdzie jesteś, i wyraź opinię na temat tego miejsca. - Opisz kolegę/koleżankę, którego/którą poznałeś/ poznałaś w nowej szkole. - Napisz, jak spędziłeś/ spędziłaś poprzedni weekend.
Rozwiń swoja wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. długość e-maila powinna wynosić minium 80 słów.
Po Angielsku ! Proszę o pomoc
RoadsterHi Ricky, I'm writing because I'm on a student exchange in Great Britain and it's great here! The school I go to is nothing like the Polish ones. It's very neat and big so it doesn't repel people with poverty. The house I'm staying at is amazing, too! But not as amazing as the family that owns it. My new friend, Brian, is very friendly and kind just like his parents. I also made friends with someone else from the aforementioned school. Her name's Kelly and she's a friend of Brian's, too! We often hang out together. Last weekend, they showed me around the town and I've seen many interesting places. Have you ever been on a student exchange? I'm curious to know. Write back soon, XYZ
I'm writing because I'm on a student exchange in Great Britain and it's great here! The school I go to is nothing like the Polish ones. It's very neat and big so it doesn't repel people with poverty. The house I'm staying at is amazing, too! But not as amazing as the family that owns it. My new friend, Brian, is very friendly and kind just like his parents. I also made friends with someone else from the aforementioned school. Her name's Kelly and she's a friend of Brian's, too! We often hang out together. Last weekend, they showed me around the town and I've seen many interesting places. Have you ever been on a student exchange? I'm curious to know.
Write back soon,