Jesteś na wymianie szkolnej w Anglii. Napisz e-mail do kolegi z Australii.
1. Wyjaśnij, gdzie jesteś, i krótko opisz to miejsce. 2. Wyraź opinię na temat rodziny, u której mieszkasz podczas wymiany. 3. Napisz, jak spędziłeś/spędziłaś ostatni weekend. 4. Opisz, jak zamierzacie podziękować brytyjskim nauczycielom i kolegom za pobyt.
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. Długość e-maila powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.*
Hi Joe! How are you? I'm on a school exchange in England. There is awesome! There is a park next to the school which we can walk to during the break between lessons. My host family is not bad but also not great. They are a little bit rude and the atmosphere in this house is depressing. Last week ago I was in cinema with my friend from class. The movie was unforgettable! When i have to go home in thanks for the stay i intend give the teacher a gift and go with all my friends from class to the park. What do you do in this weekend? How was your day? I hope to meet you soon, bye!
Hi Joe! How are you? I'm on a school exchange in England. There is awesome! There is a park next to the school which we can walk to during the break between lessons. My host family is not bad but also not great. They are a little bit rude and the atmosphere in this house is depressing. Last week ago I was in cinema with my friend from class. The movie was unforgettable! When i have to go home in thanks for the stay i intend give the teacher a gift and go with all my friends from class to the park. What do you do in this weekend? How was your day? I hope to meet you soon, bye!
Myślę że dobrze będzie ;)