Space exploration is Necessary and very important, because we get to know a new planet and learn about them. More we know about our world and the living environment. Thanks to the knowledge about the planets we know of interesting things.I would like to go into space because I want to see what they see astronauts. Stand on a different planet. It is very interesting to see another planet up close. Definitely a good feeling. I think it's possible that the people in the next 100 years will settle on other planets. Technology is changing. Everything changes. It's very possible, but I do not know how to be. I do not think we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. I'm not sure, but there is evidence for the existence of UFO. We will never know.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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because I want to see what do astronauts see lub because I want to see what astronauts see.
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[...] because I want to see what they see astronauts [...]