October 2018 1 25 Report

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What's one of the best days of your life? Last week I visited my frend, Dale Hall, in hospital and he told me a wondelful story.

''I broke my leg two weeks ago when I fell off my bike. This happened two days before my birthday and I was in hospital for my big day, so of course, I felt really unhappy. I wanted to go and see Mickey Mann, my favorite singer. He was in town for one night only, and I couldn't go! I felt terrible.

"On the moring of my birtday, I woke up and I saw my mum and dad by my bed. My dad had a big smile on his face. ' Close your eyes,' he said happily. We've got a birtday surprise for you!' I quickly closed my eyes and waited.

Suddenly, I heard a giutar plaing loudy, so I opened my eyes and guess who was there! Mickey Mann! He sang 'Happy Birtday!' to me, then we had breakwast together before he went to practise for his concert.

'' As he left, he smiled and waved goodbye. He made me feel veryspecial that day. It was definitely the best day of my life!"

Prosze zróbcie to na dziś szybko bo jeszcze tego skróconego tekstu musze nauczyc się na pamięc, a jutro tego pani będzie pytac. Plis prosze was zróbcie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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