siema mam zadane z angielskiego
zad 1
Przepisz zdania, wstawiając wielkie litery i znaki interpunkcyjne.
a) can you read this email from turkey?
b) no, i can't. ask mr harris - he can speak Turkish
a) today, wednesday 22nd june, is my birthday.
b)happy birthday, clare!
a) can we see the eiffel tower in paris?
b) yes, you can, and you can climb it. you can see all the city.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a) Can you read this email from Turkey ?
b)No , I can`t . Ask mr Harris - he can speak Turkish .
a) Today , Wednesday 22nd june , is my brithday .
b)Happy brithday , Clare !
a)Can we see the eiffel tower in Paris ?
b)Yes , you can , and you can climb it . You can see all the city .
Jeśli jakieś błędy to poprawcie mnie
2a) Can you read this email from Turkey ?
b)No , I can`t . Ask mr Harris - he can speak Turkish .
3a) Today , Wednesday 22nd june , is my brithday .
b)Happy brithday , Clare !
4a)Can we see the eiffel tower in Paris ?
b)Yes , you can , and you can climb it . You can see all the city .