August 2018 1 7 Report
Siapa yang bisa buat kan saya fenovena tentang tanaman yang di berikan kotoran sapi atau pupuk dan lain lain lah ???
yang penting tentang fenomena ???
contoh nya:
1.melakukan pengamatan
dapat di lakukan dengan melihat kondisi di sekitar dan infestigasi di suatu tempat . informasi yang kita peroleh dapat kita gunakan untuk merumuskan masalah :
contoh : ahmad menemukan sebuah kejadian bahwa rumput yang tumbuh di sekitar kandang kambing tumbuh lebih subur sedangkan di lokasi yang jauh dari kambing , jarang tumbuh
2.merumuskan masalah
asalah adalah suatu yang harus di teliti dan di cari jawaban nya .masala yaNG telah di temukan melalui pengamatan harus di rumuskan dengan jelas .masalah dapat di rumuskan dengan menggunakan kalimat tanya atau mengapa .
mengapa rumput tumbuh di sekitar kandang , tumbuh labih subur dibanding kan yang lebih jauh dari kandang .

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Andi : hi, sinta. i want to teach my little brother origami. but i don't know what kind of origami should be taught to him. do you think dinosaur origami is difficult for him ?sinta : well, i think so. what about a boat ?andi : that's a good idea. that's my brother, can you teach him ?sinta : what .... me ?andi : yup ...... riko come here. you like origami, don't you ?riko : Uhum ...andi : well, sinta will teach you how, make a boat.riko : really ?!sinta : Yup .... it's easy. listen carefully and follow me.riko : yes, I'm ready .sinta : take a half page of paper and you don't need scissors or glue to do it. now follw the steps. first, fold,the paper in half the long way , crease and unfold .riko : then.sinta : the second step , fold the sides up to the middle crease and keep it folded .riko : ok, done sinta : next, fold the corners donwn to the middle . and the do the same way are you still with me ?riko :wait ... wait can you repeat it ?sinta : sure. please fold the corners down to the middle. and do it twice .riko : got it. and what's the next step ?sinta : finally, open the middele and turn it in side out to make a boat. finish , it's simple, isn't it ?riko : thank you . i learnt a lot from you.task 12 1. who wants to teach riko origami ?2. what is the origami ?3. how many steps are they to make the origami ?4. what is the material ?5. what is the first step ?6. do they need scissors and glue ?7. what is the second step ?8. what is the final step ?

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