My school is JHS 2 Cibinong, located at Dadi Kusmayadi Street, Cibinong. It's one of famous and favorite school in kabupaten bogor. There're 3 yards, 27 classrooms, a library, a science laboratory, and many rooms again.. My school has many extracuriculer. for example ; Basketball, Football, Taekwondo, PMR, Pramuka, Paskibra, Marching Band, and many more..
This is my school, SMA Negeri 14 Medan or the state senior high school of 14 Medan. it has 22 classes, 5 for XIIth science classes, 3 for XIIth social classes, 5 for science XIth and 3 for XIth social and 9 classes for Xth grade. my school is very comfortable,and fresh. it has the Adiwiyata.
nama sekolah dan jumlah kelas bisa diganti dan ditambah sesuai dgn yang ada di sekolahmu :)
It's one of famous and favorite school in kabupaten bogor.
There're 3 yards, 27 classrooms, a library, a science laboratory, and many rooms again..
My school has many extracuriculer. for example ; Basketball, Football, Taekwondo, PMR, Pramuka, Paskibra, Marching Band, and many more..
That's about my school
my school is very comfortable,and fresh. it has the Adiwiyata.
nama sekolah dan jumlah kelas bisa diganti dan ditambah sesuai dgn yang ada di sekolahmu :)