September 2018 2 63 Report
Seseorang mempunyai massa 60 kg.jika percepatan gravitasi bumi 10 m/s dan percepatan gravitasi bulan 1,6 m/s,hitunglah berat orang tersebut di bumi dan di bulan

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soal essay : A lion grumbled and growled at a mosquito who kept flying around his head as he tried to nap. "Go away before I crush you under my paw",he roared. "I'M not afraid of you",teased the mosquito.''You maybe called the king of the beasts,but i am more powerful than you are.I can prove it,too .Let's fight and see who wins,"the lion agreed.the mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears.while trying to crush the mosquito,the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails,drawing blood. (5)"Enough",he finally cried .''Enough ! You win!" Unharmed,the mosquito buzzed away.he boasted of his victory over the lion to anyone who would listen.he was so busy boasting that he fllew straight into a spider's web strung between the trees .As a tiny spider hurried towards him,the mosquito struggles helplessly in the strong threads of the web."I fought and won against thegreatest of beatsts,''he tought sadly,''but this little animal can catch me easily!' soal 1.What did the mosquito do to the lion ??? answer:...... 2.what is the main idea of the last paragraph ??? answer:... 3.who can catch the mosquito ??? answer:.... 4.what happen to the mosquito in the end of the story ??? answer:..... 5.what is the moral value of the story ??? answer:.... soal pilihan ganda : The text is for question number 13 to 16 THE CROW AND THE OYSTER One day,a hungry crow a saw an oyster on the beach .he wanted to eat the tasy meat inside the shell,so he tried to open the oyster. First,he used his beak,but he could not open the shell.Then,he hit it with a stone,but the shell syated.tightly shut.he even jumped up and down on the oyster,but he still could not open it. Then,another crafty crow came by.He saw what the first crow was trying to do and said,''My friend,may i offer you some good advice ?I suggest you pick up the oyster in your beak,fly high into the air and the drop the oyster onto the rocks below.The oyster shell will break open and you will be able to have your meal!" the hungry crow thought that this was a very good idea.He picked up the oyster with his beak and the he flew as high enough,he dropped the oyster onto the rocks far below. the oyster shell broke wide ever,the crafty crow was waiting behind the rock nearby,and he reached the broken oyster first.he enjoyed a tasty meak while the hungry crwo has nothing to eat. soal : 13.the hungry crow did the following thinng to open th shlle,EXCEPT .... A.jumping up and down on it B.dropping it onto the rocks C.hitting it with hammer D.hitting it with a stone did the crafty crow trick the hungry crow ? giving suggestion of dropping the oyster onto the rocks telling him that he was so hungry and needed some food saying that he had a nice and strong beak saying that the oyster was harmful 15.what is the moral value of the story not fly high on the sky is not easy to fool someone C.always trust people who offer help not be fooled by people who offer help 16.".....another CRAFTY crow came by ."(paragraph 3) The underlined word has similar meaning to ... A.cunning B.happy D.shy

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