Setlist del concierto de Camila Cabello (never be the same tour) por orden porfavor
m2304Never Be the SameShe Loves ControlInside OutGet Busy(Sean Paul song)Bad Things(Machine Gun Kelly & Camila Cabello cover)Bad Things InterludeCan't Help Falling in Love(Elvis Presley cover)ConsequencesAll These Years Something's Gotta GiveScar TissueIn the DarkReal FriendsKnow No Better(Major Lazer cover)Crown(Camila Cabello & Grey cover)Into ItPlay VideoEncore:Sangria WineHavana
Something's Gotta GiveScar TissueIn the DarkReal FriendsKnow No Better(Major Lazer cover)Crown(Camila Cabello & Grey cover)Into ItPlay VideoEncore:Sangria WineHavana