Serdecznie witam potrzebuję pomocy z języka angielskiego w opisaniu punktów -Jesteś na wakacjach w Grecji ,napisz pocztówkę .---Gdzie jesteś ,--Jaka jest pogoda,---Napisz co ci się najbardziej podoba w miejscu w którym jesteś.--Zapytaj jak znajomi spędzają wakacje.Z góry dziękuję
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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(OD ŚRODKA)Hey laura and mark(możesz nazwać jak chcesz)
How are you? Im on holidays in sunny Greece. Its awesome. The sun is shining all day and it doesnt rain at all. Im totally relaxed. Yesterday we went to town. We were in monastery and olive oil factory. I liked factory the most. Everything was made by people, not machines. I bought you a bottle of oil. And what about you? How are you doing in mountains? I hope you're having a lot of fun. See you in 5 days.
(od prawej)yours,
(od prawej)aga
Hi Cynthia!
I'm on holiday in Greece. There is amazing weather, so I can spend a lot of time outside the hotel. I like everything in this place - beautiful buildings, nice people and delicious food. But the most attractive is the Partenon - ancient temple. I bought something for you - I think you will like it. So, how do you spend your holiday? I will tell you everything when I come back.