sejak liburan lalu, saya membuat banyak kue. Saat itu, saya tergila-gila dengan kue kering dan makanan cepat saji lainnya. Banyak ide muncul di benak saya tiga bulan sebelumnya. Semua ide dan resep itu ditulis dalam buku catatan sehingga saya bisa membacanya lagi. Selain itu, saya mencari ide lain dari internet. Yap, saya menggunakan google. Saya menonton video tutorial dan membaca banyak blog tentang masakan.
mama saya membantu menyiapkan alat dan bahan. Mereka juga memberi saya uang untuk membeli barang-barang yang saya butuhkan. Pada hari pertama, saya membuat sebuah kue kering rasa coklat. biasanya orang menyebutnya dengan nama kukis. Kegiatan itu sangat menyenangkan. Saudara-saudara saya bergabung pada hari ketiga. Kemudian, kami membuat kue nastar. Adonan dicampur, dibentuk dan dicetak untuk membuat kue yang cantik. Banyak kue kering diciptakan.
Kegiatan terakhir adalah memasak. mama saya mahir dalam membuat kue dan masakan lainnya. mama juga membantu saya. Kami menghasilkan banyak kue yang cantik enak. Akhirnya, saya sangat menikmati liburan yang lalu.
tolong di ubah menjadi bahasa Inggris dan menggunakan simple present tense
Since last holiday, i made a lot of cakes. Back then, I was crazy about pastries and other fast food. Many ideas came to my mind three months earlier. All those ideas and recipes were written down in a notebook so I could read them again. Apart from that, I am looking for other ideas from the internet. Yep, I use google. I watch video tutorials and read a lot of blogs about cooking.
My mother helped prepare the tools and materials. They also gave me money to buy things I needed. On the first day, I made a chocolate chip cookie. usually people call it by the name of cookies. The activity was very fun. My brothers and sisters joined on the third day. Then, we made nastar cake. The dough is mixed, shaped and molded to make beautiful cakes. Many pastries were created.
The last activity is cooking. my mom is proficient in making cakes and other dishes. mom also helped me. We produce many beautiful and delicious cakes. Finally, I really enjoyed the last vacation.
simple present tense biasanya menggunakan kata kerja/ verb I untuk menyatakan teks
Since last holiday, i made a lot of cakes. Back then, I was crazy about pastries and other fast food. Many ideas came to my mind three months earlier. All those ideas and recipes were written down in a notebook so I could read them again. Apart from that, I am looking for other ideas from the internet. Yep, I use google. I watch video tutorials and read a lot of blogs about cooking.
My mother helped prepare the tools and materials. They also gave me money to buy things I needed. On the first day, I made a chocolate chip cookie. usually people call it by the name of cookies. The activity was very fun. My brothers and sisters joined on the third day. Then, we made nastar cake. The dough is mixed, shaped and molded to make beautiful cakes. Many pastries were created.
The last activity is cooking. my mom is proficient in making cakes and other dishes. mom also helped me. We produce many beautiful and delicious cakes. Finally, I really enjoyed the last vacation.
simple present tense biasanya menggunakan kata kerja/ verb I untuk menyatakan teks