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Dolphins and Whales
Dolphins and whales are two giant fishes living in the ocean. Both dolphins and whales have the same sense organs, vocalization and sleeeping methods. Theyare also equally intelligent, using clicking sound to communicate, However, they are different in some aspects.
Physically, dolphins and whales have different features. The first difference between dolphins and whales is generally. Whales have body hair and dolphins do not. The only species on dolphins that has body hair is Boto river doolphin. secondly, a species of whales namely Baleen whales have two blowholes. While there is no known species of dolphins have two blowholes. The third difference is Baleen whales have arow of plates on the upper side of their jaws that resemble the "teeth" of a comb. All species of dolphin have teeth, some have up to 250 teeth.
Dolphins and whales are also different in social behaviour. Dolphin are social, living in podsof up to dozen individuals. In places with a high abundance of food, pods can merge temporarily, forming a super pod, which may eceed 1,000 dolphins. They communicate using a variety of clicks, whistles and other vocalization, and ultrasonic sounds for echolocation.
Adjectives: giant intelligent different social high