merdynjulistioswim = berenang drink = minum eat = makan sit = duduk teach = mengajar take = mengambil sing = nyanyi steal = mencuri cook = masak choose = memilih hit = memukul destroy = merusak fly = terbang catch = menangkap listen = mendengar
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••verb 1: kata kerja contoh; read,listen,sit up, sing a song. ••verb of place: tempat contoh: hospital, school, office ••verb of time: waktu contoh; morning,Sunday,today,everyday ••adjective word: kata sifat contoh: beautiful,awesome,perfection
drink = minum
eat = makan
sit = duduk
teach = mengajar
take = mengambil
sing = nyanyi
steal = mencuri
cook = masak
choose = memilih
hit = memukul
destroy = merusak
fly = terbang
catch = menangkap
listen = mendengar
contoh; read,listen,sit up, sing a song.
••verb of place: tempat
contoh: hospital, school, office
••verb of time: waktu
contoh; morning,Sunday,today,everyday
••adjective word: kata sifat
contoh: beautiful,awesome,perfection