Deret menu file: New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Save as Web page, Seacrh, Versions, Web page Preview, Page setup,Print Preview, Print, Send to, Propertise, Exit
deret menu edit: 1. Undo 2. Repeat atau Redo 3. Cut 4. Copy 5. Office Clipboard 6. Paste 7. Paste Spesial 8. Paste Hyperlink 9. Clear 10. Select All 11. Find 12. Replace 13. Go To 14. Links 15. Object
deret menu edit:
1. Undo
2. Repeat atau Redo
3. Cut
4. Copy
5. Office Clipboard
6. Paste
7. Paste Spesial
8. Paste Hyperlink
9. Clear
10. Select All
11. Find
12. Replace
13. Go To
14. Links
15. Object