Maghna carta petition of right habeas corpus act bill of right kalau tidak salah ya
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meriandaniix1jawab: 1.magna carta 2.petition of right 3.habeas corpus act 4.bill of right atau 1. pancasila 2. uud 1945 3. uu no.39 th 1999 4. uu no. 26 th 2000 5. ketetapan MPR RI No. XV11/MPR/1998
petition of right
habeas corpus act
bill of right
kalau tidak salah ya
1.magna carta
2.petition of right
3.habeas corpus act
4.bill of right
1. pancasila
2. uud 1945
3. uu no.39 th 1999
4. uu no. 26 th 2000
5. ketetapan MPR RI No. XV11/MPR/1998