September 2018 1 54 Report
Sebuah pegas memilik panjang mula mula 20cm. Ketika pegas ditarik dgn gaya 12,5 N panjangnya menjadi 22cm. Jika pegas ditarik gaya 37,5 N maka panjang pegas akan menjadi....
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Kak bantuin terjemahin ya, google translate berantakan 1- a. Our skin protects us against (A) ultraviolet light and (B) bacteria. b. Our skin helps to control (C) evaporation of water and (D) body temperature. 2- Two main layer of our skin is the epidermis and the dermis. 3- a. The malpighian layer of our skin is the site of active cell division, some of the new cells thus formed leave the layer, become keratinized and replace tje outer cells of the epidermis which are continually worn away. The malpighian layer also contains the most melanin responsible for dark skin tones. b. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer, cells here are flat. Keratin in this cell helps the cornified layer protects against moisture, light, and bacterial infection. 4- The dermis contains: nerve endings, sweat glands, oil glands, hair follicles and blood vessels. 5- The hottest part of our body is the toe, foot, and the hand. While the hottest part of our body is the genital area, chest, the armpits, and the head. 6- Generally accepted normal body temperature is around 36,1 °C and 37,2 °C. 7- According to WebMD, our body lost around 2% of its body heat through air conduction, but contact with liquids with a temperature ≤20 °C causes more heat loss from the body more than air does. 8- a. All of the cell in our body creates heat as they burn up energy, some organ will perform better than others, such as the muscles if you are exercising. The spread of heat is done by the blood, blood regulates heat, which means the heat up some organ and cool down others. b. External events that contribute to body heat gain is, for example, standing next to a heat source (fire, electric heater, etc.). External temperature has a very large impact on human body temperature. 9- a. Vasoconstriction is defined as the constriction of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure. b. If vasoconstriction takes place in the skin, blood is kept away from the surface, very little blood then flows through these capillaries, thus minimizing heat loss from the skin. 10- Shivering is the bodily function in response to early hypothermia or cold in warm-blooded animals. When the core body temperature drops, the shivering reflex is triggered to maintain homeostasis; the skeletal muscles shakes in an attempt to create warmth by expending energy. 11- a. Vasodilation is defined as the dilation of blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure. b. There is a bodily function termed cold-induced vasodilation (CIVD), which occurs after cold exposure. It take place in several location in the human body but it is observed most often in the extremities, such as the skins on fingers and toes since they are exposed more often. 12- Correct, sweating itself will not cool off the body, evaporation of the sweat must take place to decrease the skin temperature. 13- The term hypothermia means the condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal. 14- The chances of hypothermia happening can be reduced by wearing cold-protective clothing such as winter jackets, if not enough, one can make a campfire in an attempt to produce external heat. Terima kasih

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