August 2018 2 33 Report
Jaką wartość ma siła rozpędzonej windy o masie 400kg, jeżeli w czasie 0.5s od startu w górę winda osiągła <ruchem jednostajnie przyśpieszonym>szybkość 1,5 m/s?
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Grammar1 Choose the correct answers.1 We have some / a lot of students at ourschool this year.2 A few / A little friends are coming round todinner this evening.3 I haven’t got much / many time before I catchthe train.4 Do you like some / any songs on their newalbum?5 Terry can speak a few / a little words in Greek!6 I hope you like black coffee. There isn’tsome / any milk!7 I haven’t seen much / many films this year.Have you?Choose the correct answers.1 There isn’t / aren’t a lot of young people in thevillage now.2 The scenery isn’t / aren’t very nice aroundhere.3 There is / are a lot of pollution in the citycentres.4 There is / are several car parks in the town.5 The entertainment in towns is / are usuallybetter than in the country.6 There is / are always a lot of traffic on Fridays.Complete the sentences with a, the or – (noarticle).1 Do you want to speak to Mum? She’s in____________ kitchen.2 ____________ fast cars can be dangerous.3 I would love to live in ____________ country.4 There is ____________ beautiful lake near ourhouse.5 Did you see ____________ Queen on TV lastnight?6 My sister hates ____________ dogs.7 We don’t buy a lot of food from ____________shop in the village.Complete the sentences with the words in thebox.rural tiny lonely extraordinary silent1 I didn’t have many friends at university and Iwas very ____________.2 It’s sometimes difficult to get jobs in____________ areas.3 The school is ____________ when the childrengo home.4 My room is ____________. I have a small bedand a table in it and that’s all!5 Debby’s story about her holiday is____________. I don’t believe her.Mark /Complete the sentences with the correctanswers.1 There are going to be traffic jams tomorrowbecause of the ____________.A bus stops B traffic lights C road works2 In winter the ____________ get very icy.A fields B gates C pavements3 We live in a lovely ____________ in thecountryside.A cottage B lake C field4 The ____________ aren’t working today.A road signs B pedestrian crossingsC traffic lights5 There’s a ____________ along the river.A gate B footpath C post boxReading7 Read the text.Busy roadsDrivers in the UK are very angry at the moment!This is because they are soon going to have topay more to use the roads.In the UK, as in many countries, there are morecars on the roads every day and this is causingproblems. People want to live in the country andtravel to work in the towns and cities but theresult is busier roads and more traffic jams.One way to help the problem is for drivers topay for the different roads they drive on. Forexample, a driver on a motorway will pay morethan a driver on a country lane. But drivers arenot happy. One driver, Harry Smith, says, ‘Wehave to use these roads to get to work. Thetrains and buses aren’t very good so we don’thave a choice. We have to drive. We alreadypay a lot for petrol. The government just wantsmore!’Busy roads are definitely a problem but driverscertainly don’t think that this idea is the answer.8 Are the sentences true or false?1 Cars are going to be more expensive. ___2 More people are using country roads. ___3 A lot of people travel a long way to work. ___4 Drivers think paying to use roads is a goodidea. ___5 The government is going to increase the priceof petrol. ___

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