1)unscramble the questions about lucy's family A-________________ (She/alone/does/live) -no,she lives with her brothers and her parents B-________________ (They/where/live/do) -They live in Sydney, Australia C-________________ (Helena's/does/do/what/husband -He's a doctor D-________________ (How/she/her/does/like/family -she lovers her family! E-________________ (Walk/she/her/does/Peter/to/school) -No,he takes the train to school
A- does she live alone? B.- where do they live? C.- what does helena’s husband do? D.- how does she like her family? E.- does peter walk to school her?
B.- where do they live?
C.- what does helena’s husband do?
D.- how does she like her family?
E.- does peter walk to school her?