Say in english 1. apakah peserta bisa mendaftar lewat internet? 2. megapa picasso sudah sangat terkenal? 3. bagaimana minyak mentah menghasilkan petroleum? 4. kapan kita akan mendaftar kompetesi debat ? 5. apa yang bisa kita dapat dari mengikuti latihan? 6. petroleum adalah produk minyak mentah 7. picasso adalah pelukis terkenal di era 1900 8. dia sangat terkenal 9. dia berasal dari malaga, spanyol 10. minyak mentah menghasilkan petroleum 11. pelajaran mulai jam 6.30 di sekolah saya
1. do participant can register via internet ? 2. why Picasso already really famous ? 3. how uncooked oil can produce petroleum ? 4. when we will register to debate competition ? 5. what can we earn from following the exercise ? 6. petroleum is uncooked oil product 7. Picasso is a famous painter in era 1900 8. he is really famous 9. he is oiginate from Malaga, Spain 10. uncooked oil produce petroleum 11. the lesson start from 6.30 AM in my school
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1.Are prticipants can register via Internet ? 2.Why Picasso is already very well known ? 3.hpw to produce the petroleum crude oil ? 4.when we will apply the competencies debate ? 5.what we can get from following a workout ? a product of crude petroleum 7.Picasso is a famous painter in the era 1900 8.He was famous 9.he comes from malaga,spain 10.produces crude petroleum 11.the lesson begin at 6.30 in my school
2. why Picasso already really famous ?
3. how uncooked oil can produce petroleum ?
4. when we will register to debate competition ?
5. what can we earn from following the exercise ?
6. petroleum is uncooked oil product
7. Picasso is a famous painter in era 1900
8. he is really famous
9. he is oiginate from Malaga, Spain
10. uncooked oil produce petroleum
11. the lesson start from 6.30 AM in my school
2.Why Picasso is already very well known ?
3.hpw to produce the petroleum crude oil ?
4.when we will apply the competencies debate ?
5.what we can get from following a workout ? a product of crude petroleum
7.Picasso is a famous painter in the era 1900
8.He was famous
9.he comes from malaga,spain
10.produces crude petroleum
11.the lesson begin at 6.30 in my school