Narodowy taniec Brazylii kojarzony przede wszystkim z karnawałowym szaleństwem Rio de Janerio. Uważa się, że wywodzi się z tańca "w kółko" Murzynów ze szczepu Bantu, a do Ameryki przybył wraz z niewolnikami. W sambie mocno zaznaczone są role kobiety i mężczyzny.
Do Europy przybyła w 1914 roku, ale dopiero po II wojnie światowej zrobiła się bardzo modna i uznana za taniec turniejowy.
Samba jest szybkim tańcem, bogatym w różne wariacje. Wymaga od tancerzy ruchów całego ciała, akcentowane są ruchy bioder. Charakterystyczna akcja "wewnątrz ciała" to tzw. "samba bounce", szczególnie punktowana przez sędziów. Jednak całość ruchu musi być bardzo miękka, nie może powodować utraty ładnej postawy tancerzy.
W sambie zwraca się również uwagę na muzykalność tancerzy, który muszą umieć zaprezentować wiele różnych rytmów zawartych w tym tańcu. Podobnie jak w innych tańcach istotne są piękne linie ciała.
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Brazil's National Samba dance primarily associated with the carnival madness of Rio de Janeiro. It is believed that derives from the dance "over and over" Negroes from the Bantu tribe, and came to America with slaves. The samba is strongly marked male and female roles.
To Europe came in 1914, but not until after World War II had become very fashionable and regarded as a dance tournament.
Samba is a fast dance, rich in different variations. Requires the dancers to move the whole body, hip movements are emphasized. Characteristic action "inside the body" is called. "Samba bounce," especially scored by judges. But the whole movement must be very soft, not cause loss of attitude pretty dancers.
The samba also calls attention to the musicality of the dancers, who must be able to present many different rhythms in the dance. Like other important dances are beautiful lines of the body.
Mam nadzieje, że pomogłem:P
Samba National dance of Brazil associated above all with the carnival Rio frenzy de Janerio. They think that he/she is coming from the dance "in circles" of Blacks from the tribe Bantu, and arrived in America with slaves. In the samba firmly roles of the woman and the man are emphasized. To Europe she arrived in 1914 the year, but only after the II world war she became very fashionable and recognized as the championship dance. The samba is fast dance, rich in different variations. He/she requires moves of the whole body from dancers, moves of hips are being stressed. Characteristic action "inside the body" it so-called "samba bounce", peculiarly scored by judges. However the whole of the move must be very soft, he cannot cause loss of the nice posture of dancers. In the samba an attention is also being returned to the musicality of dancers which must can a lot of different rhythms included in this dance present. As similarly as in other dances beautiful lines of the body are essential.
Prosze ale nie wiem czy na pewno będzie dobrze. ;)