Twój kolega z Anglii, Jack, martwi się o swojego przyjaciela, który zaczął spędzać czas w towarzystwie osób zachowujących się niewłaściwie. Napisz e-mail do Jacka. w wiadomości -przekaż mu swoje rady odnośnie do tego problemu -zachęć go do podjęcia konkretnych działań -poproś go o radę w sprawie problemu, z którym sam/sama się zmagasz.
Recently, I found out that your friend is among the wrong people for him. As a good friend of yours, I would like to advise you. Remember, they cannot decide your life. You can end relationships with them at any time. You can always tell me anything, I'll keep it a secret. You can also tell your family - mom, dad or maybe grandma or grandpa. They will understand you for sure. At the end of my letter I would like to mention that when I have a problem - advise me and let us help each other.
Ten tekst został poprawnie napisany. Twórca pytania nie podał punktów które były wyznaczone w zadaniu z podręcznika więc dlatego tekst nie do końca pasuje ;)
Recently, I found out that your friend is among the wrong people for him. As a good friend of yours, I would like to advise you. Remember, they cannot decide your life. You can end relationships with them at any time. You can always tell me anything, I'll keep it a secret. You can also tell your family - mom, dad or maybe grandma or grandpa. They will understand you for sure.
At the end of my letter I would like to mention that when I have a problem - advise me and let us help each other.
Your buddy Jack
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