November 2023 1 168 Report
Sam Lounds didn't use to know what to do with his life. He's from Cornwall, an area in the south west of England that offers few prospects for teenagers and young people. Apart from working in the summer tourist trade - Cornwall is a popular holiday destination – there isn't much to do there. I just used to hang out with my frends and in the end I got into trouble with the police.' Sam struggled to find a job after he was released from prison at the age of 22. 'After I got out, I couldn't get a job because of my background." Charlotte Hadaway is also from Cornwall. She had a job with a holiday company, but that didn't work out and after that she was unemployed. Then she had a big fight with her family and for some time she was homeless. She felt that her life was going nowhere and in fact, she had given up making any plans for the future. But Charlotte and Sam, as well as many other young people have been given a chance to rebuild their lives. "Fifteen Cornwall is a restaurant set up by Jamie Oliver, the famous chef, and he is responsible for changing the lives of many teenagers and young adults in Cornwall. To be given the opportunity to work at the restaurant, candidates must live in Cornwall and be between the ages of 16 and 24. They must not have a job or be in education, The people who were interviewing the young candidates were surprised - they usually try to find the best person for a job, but Jamie was asking them to find the worst! Many of the applicants had dropped out of school or run away from home. Jamie has a vision - he wants to give hope to young people who feel that they have no future. Both Sam and Charlotte say that Fifteen Comwall has saved their lives. They have become chers and have excellent futures ahead of them. They used to think they had nothing, but now they have everything.​

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