Sabtu, 27 september 2014 Hari ini aku ijin tidak berangkat sekolah, aku diajak kedua orang tuaku pergi ke pekalongan karena ada acara keluarga. Keluargaku berangkat menggunakan mobil dari jam 6 pagi dan sampai di pekalongan jam 8 pagi. Setelah sampai di pekalongan keluargaku istirahat dahulu sambil menunggu acara di mulai. Pada jam 11 siang acara sudah mau di mulai. keluargaku pun pergi menuju ke gedung aswaja di pekalongan. Setelah acara selesai pada jam 2 siang, keluargaku pun pulang ke rumah saudara dahulu untuk sholat dhuhur lalu pulang ke rumah.
MatrixSaturday, 27 September 2014 Today I permit not go to school, I asked my parents to go to pekalongan because there is a family event. My family uses the car leaving from 6 am and arrived at 8 o'clock pekalongan. After arriving in pekalongan family break in the first while waiting for the show began. At 11 am the show was about to start. my family went to the building to Aswaja in Pekalongan. After the show finished at 2pm, my family went home for the first brothers dhuhur then go home
Today I permit not go to school, I asked my parents to go to pekalongan because there is a family event. My family uses the car leaving from 6 am and arrived at 8 o'clock pekalongan. After arriving in pekalongan family break in the first while waiting for the show began. At 11 am the show was about to start. my family went to the building to Aswaja in Pekalongan. After the show finished at 2pm, my family went home for the first brothers dhuhur then go home