December 2018 1 12 Report
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In which of the following sentences do the tenses not change? Why? Then, turn the following statements from direct into reported speech. 1. 'I'll oaint the house next week', he says. Tenses do not change because the itroductory verb is in the pressent simple. He says (that) he will paint the house. 2. 'I've put the washing in the washing-machine.' Rose said. ...................................................................... 3. 'A giraffe is biggert than a mouse.' he said. ........................................... 4. 'We haven't seen Tom for weeks', she said. ................................................................ 5. 'I haven't phoned my uncle since last month' she says. ................................................................... 6.'Birds can fly'. the student said. ........................................................ 7. 'He's studying for an exam now' she said. ................................................... 8. 'Leaves fall from the trees in autumn'. he said. ................................................ 9. 'We visited the circus last weekend'. they said. ........................................................ 10. 'She dropped the vase on the floor' Tony said. ..................................................................... 11. 'He took the money to the bank this morning' she said. ..................................................................... 12. 'The earth moves round the sun' the teacher said. ...............................................................

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