November 2018 1 16 Report

Rozwiąż krzyżówke i odkryj słowo ukryte w kolumnie z szarym tłem.

1. jest rozwiązane - HOSPITAL

2.It's usually with us before the exam or in a difficult situation. (6liter)

3.When you aren't ill, you are in good ..... (6l)

4.You go there when you have a toothache. (7l)

5.You can catch is on a rainy day. (4l)

6.You need one if you think you have an arm broken. (4l)

7.Important for those who want to lose weigh. (4l)

8.You feel is when you hurt your knee. (4l)

9.A protective covering for a broken arm or leg. (7l)

10.When you are ......, you stay in bed. (3l)

11.He can help you when you are ill. (6l)

12.You take it when you are ill. (8l)

A paper on which a doctor writes what medicine you must buy is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

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