October 2018 2 13 Report

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Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.advert audience camera channel episodeparticipant remote screen show viewer1 We turn off the TV with a _____________ control.2 A person who watches TV is a ______________.3 An ________________ is one programme in aseries.4 We use a ________________ to film a show.5 We see ________________s between or in themiddle of programmes.6 A ________________ is a general word forprogramme.7 The ________________ are the people who watcha programme or show.8 You can watch different TV programmes ondifferent ________________s.9 A ________________ takes part in a show.10 A ________________ is the flat part of a televisionwhere you see the picture.2. Napisz nazwy programów telewizyjnych z ramkiobok zdań.documentary quiz showsports programme talent show the news1 ‘Crime is getting worse.’ _____________________2 ‘We’re studying birds in Africa.’ _______________3 ‘The match starts soon!’ ___________________4 ‘We’ve got five contestants and some verydifficult questions.’ _____________________5 ‘On tonight’s show we have a singer, a dancerand a pianist.’ _____________________3. Uzupełnij zdania. Użyj po jednym wyraziez każdej ramki. Dwa wyrazy zostały podanedodatkowo.how was were what wherethere there was were were1 ____________________ the best shows last year?2 ____________________ any new characters?3 ____________________ the presenter from?4 ____________________ the contestants different?5 ________________ anything interesting on TV?4. Napisz pytania w czasie Past simple i uzupełnijkrótkie odpowiedzi.you / have / pizza / for dinnerDid you have pizza for dinner? Yes, I did.1 you / have dinner / in front of the TV__________________________________________2 No, ______________________________________ .3 he / enjoy / the quiz show__________________________________________4 Yes, _____________________________________ .5 we / answer / all the questions / correctly__________________________________________6 No, ______________________________________ .5. Uzupełnij pytania i odpowiedzi. Użyj czasu Pastcontinuous.A What (1) ____________________ (you / do) at8 p.m. on Saturday night?B I (2) __________________ (watch) the match.A (3) _____________ Raúl ______________ (play)?B No, he (4) ____________________ .6. Uzupełnij dialog.A Blake, I’ve got some amazing news!B Really? (1) T____________ me all(2) a____________ it!A Well, I won the song competition!B You’re (3) ki____________! (4) T____________good news.A Thanks! (5) W____________ your news?7. Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.Dad had an accident (1) when / then / finally wewere on holiday. He fell over (2) while / finally /soon he was skiing. At (3) while / first / after, theleg didn’t hurt much. (4) Then / When / First it hurta lot! Luckily, a doctor arrived soon. (5) Later / Assoon as / While the doctor saw him, she phonedfor an ambulance.

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