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Hello my friend, how is going? I started new year in my school. I have a lot new friends, and a lot amazing teacher. The best lesson is PE. We are playing volleyball all the time, and I love it. Also our teacher from Geography is very nice. But I hate geography. I don't know why. For me it's very hard to remember all this impotant things. I will be very happy if You like to come to me, for few days. So if it's possible, let me know a soon as possible.
Hello my friend, how is going? I started new year in my school. I have a lot new friends, and a lot amazing teacher. The best lesson is PE. We are playing volleyball all the time, and I love it. Also our teacher from Geography is very nice. But I hate geography. I don't know why. For me it's very hard to remember all this impotant things.
I will be very happy if You like to come to me, for few days.
So if it's possible, let me know a soon as possible.
Cya! :D