Rozmawiasz ze znajomym z zagranicy na temat systemu politycznego w jego kraju. Dowiedz sie: - kto jest glowa panstwa w jego kraju - jak czesto odbywaja sie wybory prezydenckie - do jakich organizacji miedzynarodowych nalezy ten kraj
Widziales niedawno program o tematyce wojennej ktory zrobil na tobie duze wrazenie. Opowiedz zagranicznej znajomej: - jaki to byl program i kiedy go widziales - o czym byl ten program - dlaczego zrobil na tobie takie duze wrazenie
Bede wdzieczna jak ktos chociaz jeden napisze ;) a jak 2 to wgl ;)
Zadanie 1. A head in our state is Roki Brader. Presidential elections are at us what quinquennium. We belong to the organization specialistic.
Zadanie 2. This was the program the moment of the truth. I saw him some a month ago. This program was about the truth and the lie in the life of people which undertook the polygraph. He made on me such impression because that were in him terrible questions and people without the problem on it answered were then one great massacre
A head in our state is Roki Brader.
Presidential elections are at us what quinquennium.
We belong to the organization specialistic.
Zadanie 2.
This was the program the moment of the truth. I saw him some a month ago.
This program was about the truth and the lie in the life of people which undertook the polygraph.
He made on me such impression because that were in him terrible questions and people without the problem on it answered were then one great massacre