Rodzice kolegi z wielkjiej brytani zaproponowali ze pomoga ci znalesc prace w angli w czasie wakacji napisz do nich e mali: -wyjasnij jaki rodziaj pracy cie interesuje i zapytajj o szanse jej znalezienia -opisz swoje zainteresowania i umiejetnosci -dowiedz sie czy beda potrzaebne referencje -podaj termin w ktorym jestes wolny i podziekuj za pomoc. ZADANIE OD 100 DO 150 SŁOW
Poczatek : dear mr and mrs grafton thank you very much for offering to help me find a holiday jop................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................... with best wishes XYZ
I would like to work as a waiter in good restaurant. Is it a chance that I will find job like that? I have good experience. I worked in very famous polish restaurant. I really like trying new dishes and new things, I am very social person. I am easy going, I am not shy at all so contact with new people is very good for me. I can speak four languages so it will help me if someone doesn't know English and wants to order something in restaurant where I work. I speak Polish, Spanish, English and French. Let me know if I need references from my old job, because I need to go there and ask for that before I will come to London. I can start work anytime. I am free for two months. Since July to the end of August, because of our holidays in Poland. Thank you so much for your help. I hope I will get any job there. See you after two weeks. Best Wishes, XYZ