Wyobraź sobie, że byłaś/byłeś na festynie. Napisz co robiłaś/robiłeś stosując słowa sugerujące kolejność wydarzeń typu ‘najpierw’, ‘potem’, ‘w końcu’. Tekst musi zawierać minimum 5, a maksimum 8 zdań. ANGIELSKI PROSZE O POMOC DAJE NAJJJ
Odpowiedź:I was on a fun fair last friday. There were swings, spinning tee cups, farice weels, and bouncy castles. First I went on the spinning tee cups they were very fast (i saw somebody barf). Later i went to rest and get some cotton candy. After all I went to jump on alot of bountcy castles, they were my favorite. I love to go to the fair!!!
Odpowiedź:I was on a fun fair last friday. There were swings, spinning tee cups, farice weels, and bouncy castles. First I went on the spinning tee cups they were very fast (i saw somebody barf). Later i went to rest and get some cotton candy. After all I went to jump on alot of bountcy castles, they were my favorite. I love to go to the fair!!!