Właśnie wróciłeś/wróciłaś z wakacji. Napisz list do korespondencyjnego kolegi/korespondencyjnej koleżanki opisując co robiłeś/robiłaś w czasie wakacji. błagam pomóżcie...chcę aby było poprawnie napisane o obojętne mi jakich wakacjach czy w Polsce czy zagranicą byle gdzie. z góry bardzo dziękuje
Dear Ktoś, I was having a great time in Scotland. We went rock-climbing. I was a bit scared at first and I didn't want to go. Then, my friend talked to me and I was fine. We've also been hiking, canoeing and sailing. Sailing was real fun.
We was staying in a huge, old house with a big garden. There was even a pond in the garden. I slept in a room with nine other girls, so it was a bit noisy. There was always something to do in the evening. We had a disco!
The only thing I don't like about this holiday is the food. It was horrible. We've got chips every day! Anyway, we have to see eatchother! ;)
I was having a great time in Scotland. We went rock-climbing. I was a bit scared at first and I didn't want to go. Then, my friend talked to me and I was fine. We've also been hiking, canoeing and sailing. Sailing was real fun.
We was staying in a huge, old house with a big garden. There was even a pond in the garden. I slept in a room with nine other girls, so it was a bit noisy. There was always something to do in the evening. We had a disco!
The only thing I don't like about this holiday is the food. It was horrible. We've got chips every day!
Anyway, we have to see eatchother! ;)
See you soon!