October 2018 1 39 Report
• Resuelve los siguientes problemas de tanto porciento:

a) Halla el 29% de 3.456

b) Halla el 58% de 6.789

c) Halla el 74% de 98.050

d)- Halla el 36% de 5

e) En una clase hay 30 alumnos. Si el 30% son chicos halla el número de chicos y de chicas que hay en esa clase.

f) Una bolsa contiene 20 bolas. El 30% de ellas son rojas, el 45%, azules, y el resto verdes. Halla el nmero de bolas que hay de cada clase.

g) Nos dan el siguiente gráfico de unas elecciones. Si el número de votantes fue de 47.000, calcula cuantos votos recibió cada partido:
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4) El área de un rectángulo de 8 metros de base y de 4 metros de altura es: a) 12m2 b) 4m2 c) 32m2 d) 24m2 5) El perímetro (suma de los lados) de un cuadrado de 6 metros es: a) 36m b) 24m c) 12m d) 6m 6) Un cuadrado tiene 5 metros de lado, su área es: a) 25m2 b) 5m2 c) 10m2 d) 20m2 7) El triángulo escaleno a) Tiene sus lados iguales b) Tiene sus tres lados desiguales c) Tiene dos lados iguales y uno desigual d) Tiene 4 lados 8) El triángulo isósceles a) Tiene sus tres lados desiguales b) Tiene sus lados iguales c) Tiene dos lados iguales y uno desigual d) Tiene 4 lados 9) El triángulo equilátero a) Tiene todos sus lados iguales b) Tienen dos lados iguales y uno desigual c) Tiene sus tres lados desiguales d) Posee cuatro lados 10) Angulos suplementarios son aquellos que a) La suma es de 90° b) La suma de ellos es de 180° c) Suman menos de 90° d) La suma de ellos es de 360° 11) Angulos complementarios son aquellos a) cuya suma es de 90° b) cuya suma es menor de 90° c) la suma de ellos es de 180° d) la suma de ellos es de 360° 12) Un ángulo de 180° es: a) Un ángulo agudo b) Un ángulo recto c) Un ángulo llano d) Un ángulo plano 13) Un ángulo de 360° es: a) Un ángulo llano b) Un ángulo recto c) Un ángulo agudo d) Un ángulo entero 14) Un ángulo agudo a) Tiene 90 grados (90°) b) Tiene menos de 90° grados c) Es mayor de 90° d) Tiene 180° 15) El ángulo recto: a) Tiene 90° b) Es mayor que 90° c) Es el mismo ángulo llano d) Es el mismo ángulo plano
1) El 20% de $200 es: a) 4 b) 40 c) 400 d) 400 2) Dos lineas son secantes: a) Cuando se cortan o cruzan b) Cuando son paralelas c) Cuando no se cruzan d) Cuando son curvas 3) El 10% de $50,000 es: a) 500 b) $5.000 c) $50.00 d) $5 4) El 5% de $80,000 es: a) 4000 b) $400 c) $ 40,00 d) $40 5) Si se reduce 185 centimetros a decámetros se obtiene a) 0,185Dm b) 0,0185Dm c) 0,00185Dm d) 0,85Dm 6) Si se reduce 9 centímetros a metros se obtienen a) 0,9m b) 90m c) 0,009m d) 0,09m 7) Si se reduce 7,05 Hectó metros a centímetros se obtiene: a) 70,500cm b) 7,500cm c) 7050cm d) 705cm 8) Si se reduce 8 kilómetros a metros se obtiene a) 80000m b) 80m c) 8000m d) 800m 9) Si se reduce 8 metros a decimetros se obtiene a) 800dm b) 80dm c) 8dm d) 8000dm 10) Una cuadrilla de obreros ha hecho una obra en 20 dias trabajando 6 horas diarias, En cuántos dias habrian hecho la obra si hubieran trabajado 8 horas diarias? a) 10 dias b) 8 dias c) 15 dias d) 20 dias 11) 3 hombres trabajando 8 horas diarias han hecho 80 metros de una obra en 10 dias. ¿cuántos dias necesitaran 5 hombres, trabajando 6 horas diarias para hacer 60 metros de la misma obra? a) 4 dias b) 6 dias c) 8 dias d) 3 dias 12) 4 hombres hacen una obra en 12 dias. En cuantos dias podrian hacer la misma obra 7 hombres a) 5,5 dias b) 4,2 dias c) 6,8 dias d) 7,5 dias 13) Si 4 libros cuestan $8000, cuando cuestan 15 libros? a) $30.00 b) $25.00 c) $20.00 d) $40.00 14) El perimetro o longitud de una circunferencia es L= 2**R, donde 8 (pi)=3,1416 y R= radio. La longitud de una circunferencia de 4 metros de radio es: a) 16m2 b) 25,13m2 c) 8m2 d) 10m2 15) Un patio circular tiene un radio de 9 metros. Hallar su area si A= *r2 es: a) 125,2m2 b) 254,4m2 c) 81m2 d) 145,5m2
SEMANA3 1) The participle of sing is: a) sung b) sang c) chosen d) cost 2) The word beber is: a) drive b) dream c) drink d) dig 3) Put the verb in past form: stay a) d b) ed c) ied d) did 4) Put the regular verb in past. Look a) looking b) looked c) looky d) looken 5) Put the sentence in future: she finally ____ get married next month a) were b) can c) will d) can 6) Use was or were: we___ having lunch at this time yesterday a) was b) were c) wasn d) werent 7) Chose the correct sentence: a) I is bought a car b) I have bought a car c) I are bought a car d) I did bought a car 8) Put the sentence in order: playing/have/tennis/I/been a) I been playing have tennis b) tennis been I playing have c) I have been playing tennis d) been tennis playing have I 9) Match the opposite of good: a) bad b) very c) cold d) hot 10) Opposite of brother is: a) baby b) mother c) father d) sister 11) Complete the sentence: English is an ___ language a) feeling b) international c) scientific d) bad 12) Complete with the present simple for this situation: The swimming bath ______ at 9:00 a) opened b) open c) opens d) opend 13) Complete with the right answer. Mr. Clark ________ in a bank for 15 years, then He gave it up a) work b) worked c) works d) working 14) choose the right answer: Hello, Is here Ana? a) sorry, she is here right now b) she c) sorry she d) right now, she 15) Chose the right sentence. a) I will been dancing next Saturday b) I will dancing next Saturday c) I will been dance next Saturday d) I been dance next Saturday SEMANA 4 1) The present perfect is used a) To talk about experiences b) to talk past c) talk in participle d) ninguna 2) Past continuous a) I was cooking b) I were cooking c) I was cooked d) I were cooked 3) The word WOLF means: a) lobo b) golf c) nada d) lava 4) Replace the names with a pronoun: Maria, Peter and I are friends. a) They b) We c) You d) He 5) The word BEDROOM means: a) ba b) sala c) dormitorio d) salon 6) Complete the sentence: My brothers _____ nice a) is b) are c) will d) was 7) complete the sentence: I ____ to find a new job at the moment a) am trying b) tried c) tries d) is 8) Put word present progressive: to die a) paing b) dying c) dieing d) dy 9) The word NARROW means: a) angosto b) estrecho c) corto d) alto 10) Choose the right answer: Do you have a boyfriend? a) Yes, I don b) No, I do c) Yes, I do d) Yes, I am 11) past simple: a) she walked b) she walking c) she walks d) she walk 12) Choose the right word: ____ she been practicing golf? a) have b) has c) is d) will 13) Complete the sentence. I ___ my keys last night a) lost b) lose c) losted d) loses 14) Put this in English: Marcos fue a comer helado a) Marcos brings ice cream b) Marcos and ice cream c) Marcos went to eat ice cream d) Marcos sells ice cream 15) Put the sentence in the right way: didn a) make I didn b) I make the cake didn c) didn d) I didn 16) put it in English: mi madre estuvo en Francia a) My mom was in France b) My mom were in France c) My mom lived in France d) My mom is in France
Conteste las siguientes preguntas 1) The participle of sing is: a) sung b) sang c) chosen d) cost 2) The word beber is: a) drive b) dream c) drink d) dig 3) Put the verb in past form: stay a) d b) ed c) ied d) did 4) Put the regular verb in past. Look a) looking b) looked c) looky d) looken 5) Put the sentence in future: she finally ____ get married next month a) were b) can c) will d) can 6) Use was or were: we___ having lunch at this time yesterday a) was b) were c) wasn d) werent 7) Chose the correct sentence: a) I is bought a car b) I have bought a car c) I are bought a car d) I did bought a car 8) Put the sentence in order: playing/have/tennis/I/been a) I been playing have tennis b) tennis been I playing have c) I have been playing tennis d) been tennis playing have I 9) Match the opposite of good: a) bad b) very c) cold d) hot 10) Opposite of brother is: a) baby b) mother c) father d) sister 11) Complete the sentence: English is an ___ language a) feeling b) international c) scientific d) bad 12) Complete with the present simple for this situation: The swimming bath ______ at 9:00 a) opened b) open c) opens d) opend 13) Complete with the right answer. Mr. Clark ________ in a bank for 15 years, then He gave it up a) work b) worked c) works d) working 14) choose the right answer: Hello, Is here Ana? a) sorry, she is here right now b) she c) sorry she d) right now, she 15) Chose the right sentence. a) I will been dancing next Saturday b) I will dancing next Saturday c) I will been dance next Saturday d) I been dance next Saturday SEMANA 4 1) The present perfect is used a) To talk about experiences b) to talk past c) talk in participle d) ninguna 2) Past continuous a) I was cooking b) I were cooking c) I was cooked d) I were cooked 3) The word WOLF means: a) lobo b) golf c) nada d) lava 4) Replace the names with a pronoun: Maria, Peter and I are friends. a) They b) We c) You d) He 5) The word BEDROOM means: a) ba b) sala c) dormitorio d) salon 6) Complete the sentence: My brothers _____ nice a) is b) are c) will d) was 7) complete the sentence: I ____ to find a new job at the moment a) am trying b) tried c) tries d) is 8) Put word present progressive: to die a) paing b) dying c) dieing d) dy 9) The word NARROW means: a) angosto b) estrecho c) corto d) alto 10) Choose the right answer: Do you have a boyfriend? a) Yes, I don b) No, I do c) Yes, I do d) Yes, I am 11) past simple: a) she walked b) she walking c) she walks d) she walk 12) Choose the right word: ____ she been practicing golf? a) have b) has c) is d) will 13) Complete the sentence. I ___ my keys last night a) lost b) lose c) losted d) loses 14) Put this in English: Marcos fue a comer helado a) Marcos brings ice cream b) Marcos and ice cream c) Marcos went to eat ice cream d) Marcos sells ice cream 15) Put the sentence in the right way: didn a) make I didn b) I make the cake didn c) didn d) I didn 16) put it in English: mi madre estuvo en Francia a) My mom was in France b) My mom were in France c) My mom lived in France d) My mom is in France

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