Siemka. Mam takie zadanie z angielskiego : Napisz article "Buses are the best" 120-150 wyrazów. Mamy napisac dlaczego autobusy są najlepsze (wymienic cechy : cena, wygoda etc)
Tu mam początek :
1)Why do thousand of people every day take buses? Because travelling by buses is, in my opinion the best way to travel
2)-3)viewpoints i reasons
4) opposing viewpoints i reasons
5) summarise/restate your opinion
Oczywiście chciałbym, aby praca miała chociaż 100 słów, bo wiem, że ciężko wymyślec cechy autobusów. Potrzebuję to na jutro. A i nie musicie tak bardzo kierowac się tym co wam podałem ( 1 2 3 4 ), ale było by fajnie. Z góry dzięki
Ps. Można uzyc translatora
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Why do thousands of people take buses every day? That is because travelling by buses , in my opinion is the best way to travel.
Buses are a very good way to travel because they are cheap. For the students and concessionary, the bus tickets are reduced. This is very good because a student is desperate for money to study.
Buses are a perfect way of transport because every day there are thousands of cars on the streets. Why? there is no need, there can be even 50 people on buses so that would reduce 50 cars which would reduce the amount of traffic. They are also very good because you dont have to find a parking space.
In addition, the buses reduce the CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. That is because there are more people in one bus instead of 50 cars, thats because people find travelling by bus a lot easier.
Tak bedzie dobrze:)
Nie przejmuj sie niczym, znam angielski perfect:) mieszkam tu:P